Thank you for choosing HubNugget! We are currently in the beta stage, which means our product is still under development. We are constantly working to improve our services, and during this phase, our Privacy Policy may evolve. We appreciate your understanding and support.

1. Information We Collect

As HubNugget is in its beta phase, we are minimizing the data we collect. Currently, we collect:

  • Email Address: For account creation and communication purposes.

  • Basic Profile Information: Such as your name and username to personalize your experience.

  • Experience Information: Such as your previous and current job details, achievements and skills

  • Education Information: Your academics information and certificates

  • Work Information: Such as your projects that you have been working or worked in the past.

  • Others: Any other information that might help us improve features and services for you.

  1. How We Use Your Information

We use the information we collect to:

  • Improve and develop our product based on user feedback.

  • Communicate with you regarding updates, changes, or issues related to the beta version.

  • Monitor and analyze usage and trends to enhance the beta experience.

  1. Data Security

We are committed to protecting your data. While we are in the beta phase, we are implementing basic security measures to safeguard your information. Please note that our security protocols may evolve as we continue developing HubNugget.

  1. Your Rights

Even in this beta phase, you have the right to:

. Access your data and request its deletion.

. Withdraw consent to data processing at any time.

If you wish to exercise these rights or have any questions, please contact us at

  1. Changes to This Privacy Policy

As HubNugget is in beta, our Privacy Policy may change. We will notify you of any significant changes via email or through our platform. By continuing to use HubNugget during the beta phase, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.


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